Wednesday, July 23, 2008

On coarse...

Still hard on the training...

To give you some idea of how step the coarse is check out the mountains in the background. Also looks like the training is paying off...


Bellcha said...

Get a DOG up ya!
HUCK it to FLAT!
Do the H-Ball on the A-Line!

-5C and -4C the last two mornings in C-Town, that short sleve CORC top would have been great.

Those mountains look superb, good thing you love to climb. Are they any higher then Mount Stromlatte, LOL!

Have a beer with the SSers for me.

AT said...

Nice background there. Was that a warm beer ):

The Lindenmayers said...

I reckon you might need to swap that roadie cassette for a mountain bikers 11-34. Otherwise you'll be begging forgiveness about 3am :-)

BTW - Get it in the dog, snap one off, and pin it ya fairy!

bimberi said...

I've turned my copy of that t-shirt into a chain cleaning rag. Get with C21 harden up and do some riding.

Good thing you were touched down under in Sydney! No excuse for sore bits this time!
